Thursday 24 May 2018

Sleep Science – Remote Control for a Healthy Life

Introduction – Sleep Science :
good night’s sleep is equally important as regular exercise along with a healthy diet. Sleeping well directly boosts our mental & physical health and the quality of our wake life. Sleeplessness can take a serious toll on our daytime energy, productivity, emotional balance, and even our weight. Yet many of us regularly toss and turn struggling to get the sleep we need at night.

There is a solution. Making simple but proactive changes to bedtime habits and the quality of the bed, can have a profound impact on how well we sleep, leaving us feeling mentally sharp, emotionally balanced, and full of energy all day long.

Insomnia and Its Disadvantages

Waking up throughout night does a lot more than make you exhausted. Our brain isn’t as sharp. We tend to forget things easily. The food doesn’t get digested properly paving way to health problems such as obesity.
Sleep disturbance and disorders are also associated with high rates of mental and physical health problems such as depression, cognitive impairment and heart disease, impaired physical functioning and mortality.

Causes of Sleeplessness

Having learnt about the disadvantages of a lack of sleep, it is necessary to find out the causes of restless nights and work on it to reduce health hazards.

Increasing competition and race for a better living has made people restless. Suffering from some or the other physical or mental problem is one reason of sleeplessness. But if you are sure of being physically fit and mentally relaxed and still a victim of insomnia then the problem may be with the choice of bed.

The wrong mattress — or the mattress that’s simply too old — can be the cause of more than that crick in your neck or your low back pain and hence pave way to a poor sleep.

Buying the right mattress is the first step to restful sleep and a healthy lifestyle. Perfect bedding provides superior comfort, proper alignment of the spine, proper weight distribution while you are asleep, and hence provide optimal comfort and prevent body ache so that you get up in the morning rejuvenated.

Role of a Good Quality Mattress to a Sound Sleep

Along with good nutrition and exercise, sleep is also recognized as an important contributor to good health.

To attain good quality sleep, you need:

1. Your body should be well supported without any pressure on your shoulder, ankle, rib and other body parts.
2. Your spine should well aligned with the rest of your body and
3. Your body weight should be well distributed the sleeping surface

The best mattress offers all the three sleep boosters. The ideal mattress is often medium-firm memory foam, latex, or coil spring to ensure you are well supported. At the same time, the ideal mattress also provides enough cushion and plush so that you feel comfortable.

The best mattress is an excellent facilitator for quality sleep. In turn, quality sleep is one of the pillars of great health. This is perhaps the best way to view the health-mattress connection.

So don’t be tempted to doze on a less-than-ideal mattress just because you don’t have enough time or budget. A perfect bed can help you lose weight, improve your memory and enhance your life span. So we should not think of putting a price tag on good sleep.


Tuesday 22 May 2018

Laura Ashley Mattresses – Beautiful and Comfy Mattresses Collection

A sound Sleep always seeks a perfect mattress.  To buy a right mattress is considered necessary for a proper sleep and a healthy lifestyle. With Laura Ashley Mattresses we can be assured of  the comfort, durability, soft and thick casting  of the mattress.
The Serenity you dream for and design that mesmerizes you is flawlessly combined in the Laura Ashley Beautiful & Smart Mattress Collection.
As one of the world’s most loved fashion and home furnishing brands, Laura Ashley Collection has partnered with with King Koil mattress. Together they have developed a mattress collection featuring the craftsmanship and artistry the brand is known for. The mattresses are assembled, engineered and manufactured basis Laura’s unique fabric designs and are considered one of a kind.
Laura Ashley Mattresses offers the best comfort, durability, soft and thick casting to ensure a good night sleep. The mattresses not only offer comfort but have the best designs and styles ranging from traditional to contemporary. The unique collection featuring a variety of refined and ecstatic patterns offer visual appeals. The expertly crafted innerspring or foam provides plush comfort and exceptional support.
The durability of Laura Ashley mattress is constant and its beauty is directly proportional too! With three choices available to select from, the ball is in customer’s court to find the right comfort.
The current Laura Ashley mattress models are Luxury and Elite and iAdapt. The entire mattresses type offer the best collection ; be it the look that envies or the content of the body, it ensure you get restful night’s sleep and wake up happy and rejuvenated.
Laura Ashley mattresses are handy online. The customization options give customer an edge while considering the latest style and elegance.  With a few clicks, Customer can play with the designs and doesn’t have to spend time and energy as far as the price is concerned, It is affordable!!


Thursday 17 May 2018

Importance of Best Mattress for Overall Health

‘A man without ambition is like a bird without wings’; in the same way a bed without mattress is like a sleep without leisure.
As the race for money and status is soaring, the only time to collect oneself is the bedtime, and hence the quality of bed mattress cannot be compromised.

Benefits of a Sound Sleep:
  1. Sleep helps reduce stress
  2. It helps you keep your heart healthy.
  3. Overall blood circulation in the entire body is improved.
  4. Disappearance of any time of pain
  5. A sound sleep acts as a painkiller.
Sleeping on the wrong type of bedding can damage your body and even jeopardize your overall health.

Mattresses are essential factor in achieving a good night’s sleep. The word mattress is derived from the Arabic word maṭraḥ which means “something thrown down” or “place where something is thrown down”.

We normally do not give much thought to our bed. As long as it has soft and thick casing, it works for us. However, if we are facing sleepless nights, feeling irritable upon waking up and suffering back pains, it may be the time to replace your mattress. Lack of sleep can cause depression, increase in weight, insulin levels and problems with learning and memory. A lot of road accidents are linked to drowsiness.

Mattresses are of two types, single sided and double sided.

Single sided Mattress: One-sided mattresses feature a base layer with foam or other comfort materials stacked on top. To avoid the wear of the mattress and to ensure extended life span it is recommended to rotate the side by 180 degrees once every four months.

Double sided mattress: In double-sided mattresses, the supportive coil system is in the center with comfort layers on either side and hence double sided mattress can be twice as thick as single sided ones. Hence, these mattresses are more expensive. Some people still prefer two-sided mattress as they feel that flipping a mattress is the only way to ensure the longevity of the mattress which is inappropriate.

Because of their low cost, less maintenance and more durability, people now a days prefer single sided mattress.

Skepticism vs Reality:

Some skeptics argue that the life span of the new single sided mattress is less than the predecessors. The materials used for mattress manufacturing maybe the reason for that. So, one needs to be very careful in choosing the best mattress from all the different options available in the market, say Latex Mattresses, Memory foam mattresses, tempurpedic mattress to name a few.


Along with good nutrition and exercise, sleep is also recognized as an important contributor to good health as Lack of sleep and poor quality sleep contribute to depression, poor concentration, high blood pressure, and heart disease. In order to live longer and healthier, try to give yourself as much sleep as you can and lay on best mattresses. You will surely wake up happy and rejuvenated.


Monday 14 May 2018

Know Everything About Tempurpedic Mattress

Sleeping should be a comfortable and happy experience. Waking up in the middle of the night due to back ache and body pain is annoying as going back to sleep is not easy. Tempur pedic cloud mattress can help you sleep well. These mattress help in relieving back ache and body pain by conforming to your body shape and weight and reduce the uneven surface.

The Mattress from Tempur pedic is a renowned brand and has dominated the mid to luxury level mattress market for many years. The Tempur pedic cloud mattress is comfortable and conforms accordingly to each person’s body shape. Over the years Tempur pedic has developed many different types of mattress according to user needs.
Tempur pedic cloud mattress is a well known product developed by Tempur pedic. This mattress feels as if you are sleeping on a fluffy white cloud in the sky. It is soft and comfortable and it helps in relieving the pain and muscle stress from the body.
Tempur pedic cloud mattress is made from Tempur ES material that remains cool and conforms to the body shape. It remains cool and absorbs any moisture in its fiber layer. It channels excess body heat out of the mattress and keeps the mattress temperature cozy and comfortable during the night.
This mattress comes with a 10 year warranty and can be repaired or replaced for free. You can even try it for three months before deciding to buy it.
The Tempur pedic cloud mattress consists of many layers that have different applications. Base layer acts as the base of the mattress. The support layer provides support and distributes body weight. The comfort layer is the top layer and this is the layer that determines the support and comfort of the bed.
It is not easy to select a mattress that has all the features that accommodate all your sleeping needs. It is an all round mattress that caters to the different needs of a person. Read the Tempur pedic cloud reviews online to know about the experiences of people who have been using these mattresses for some time.
Sleeping takes about 1/3 of our time during the span of our whole life. Sleeping helps a person remain fresh, relaxed and ready to face new challenges every day. A good and comfortable mattress can alleviate all the stress and pain. Tempur pedic cloudmattress can be the fitting solution for all your sleeping needs.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Two Sides of A Mattress

Just like a coin, the two sides of a mattress are equally important. When buying a mattress it is important to know the difference between a single-sided and a double-sided mattress. Read best mattress reviews to check out which mattress is able to provide you best support and firmness.
A decade ago, mattress manufacturers shifted from double-sided mattress to single-sided mattress. This revolutionary decision was based solely to focus on extra comfort in a mattress and make the manufacturing process easy.

Mattress manufacturers could provide extra comfort in a one sided mattress and build the mattress core from the ground up, adding more layers of comfort. In a double-sided mattress, the padding is on both sides of the surface from the central core, thus reducing the comfort of the mattress. If the one-sided mattress is manufactured as a two-sided mattress, then to maintain the same quality, the two-sided mattress would be twice as thick and too large to fit in that many comfort materials.

With the advantage of building the one sided mattress from the bottom up, the manufacturers are able to provide more comfort. The durability of one-sided mattress is almost same compared to two-sided mattress.

It is recommended to rotate your one-sided mattress 180 degrees every four months to even out the wear of the mattress and to ensure its extended life span. In two-sided mattress flipping the mattress ensures the same wear on both sides. Some people still go for the two-sided mattress as they feel that flipping a mattress is the only way to ensure the longevity of the mattress. The advancement in mattress technology has enabled one-sided mattress to be used for years without any damage.

Manufacturers still produce two-sided mattress. The decrease in demand of two-sided mattress has increased their price as one-sided mattress offer twice the comfort at a lower price. Opting for a cheap mattress online is now considered easy. Before choosing a one-sided mattress, checking the mattress ratings and reading the mattress reviews is recommended for a conclusive decision.

It is never easy to choose the best mattress from all the different options available in the market. Whether it’s one-sided mattress or two-sided mattress, if its memory foam mattress or tempurpedic mattress, always remember to check out the best mattress reviews to choose the most suitable mattress according to your sleeping needs.

Source :

Tuesday 8 May 2018

How to Choose the Right Bedding?

The comfort of a bed does not depend only on the mattress. Choosing the right bedding is very important for the quality of bed and sleep. Every year, studies show that good bedding helps you sleep well or better. This can prevent back pain or simply improve comfort considerably.

The most important thing to choose your bedding is to make your choice according to the way you sleep and your body shape. It is especially for the choice of the mattress that the morphology will be important. The heavier the weight, the harder a mattress is needed. The selection of a good box spring is often underestimated compared to the choice of mattress, but it also plays an important role in your sleep, because they must both be compatible, so choose the right one.

If you have two separate box springs, you can choose sets of connecting feet, in order to link them together to form only one large bed. This prevents a gap between the two mattresses and is very useful if you choose two different mattresses.

The choice of your pillow depends on the position in which you sleep. Soft pillows are suitable for people sleeping on their stomachs, medium pillows for those sleeping on the side and hard pillows for those sleeping on their backs. Choosing the right pillow is very important for cervical support. There are also ergonomic pillows that offer comfort in all positions.

For your duvet, you must first choose the size according to your bed, and do not hesitate to take a size above if you prefer to sleep with more blanket. The latter can have two main types of fillings, natural or synthetic. For people with allergies it is recommended to sleep with synthetic duvets. Natural-filled duvets are healthier, last longer and are recommended for those who sweat. The weight of the filling depends on the desired heat.

A large number of bedding accessories are available, and for more comfort, you can add a mattress protector that will make it softer, a warming blanket or bed warmer for the most sensitive to the cold, a neck support, a well-designed bed frame to give a modern effect, bed protectors for children, and many more.

Conclusion –
Choose the right bedding and something crucial and the choice must be made with care. Bedding accessories are now adapted for everyone, so no more excuses to sleep badly, you just have to equip yourself well according to your morphology and your way of sleeping. Prices vary a lot from one model to another, so it is very important to look at the reviews and compare them according to value for money. For those who do not have time to choose their bedding in store, it is also possible to do this on internet.


Monday 7 May 2018

How to Get a Sound Sleep on a Comfortable Mattress

Nowadays, more and more people are reducing their sleep hours and only sleep a few hours a night. Sleep science doesn’t fool, a good night’s sleep is important for well-being and health, so if you’re sleepless or tired of being in a bad mood every day, ask yourself why. Maybe your mattress doesn’t suit you and you haven’t found the mattress of your dreams yet.

Who hasn’t dreamt one day of finding a mattress to lay out as it should and find itself in wonderland? The mattress of your dreams exists. We each have a mattress of our dreams, but for many we have not yet found it. We are very numerous on earth, but the choice of mattresses is also very vast. Everyone has different needs, and everyone needs a carefully selected mattress to fulfill their dreams. Choosing the right one is important, because by spending a third of your time in it, the mattress really needs to be comfortable.

So if you’re wondering how to carefully choose the best mattress for you, here are a few tips to help you out:

1) Go to the Store to Choose it:
It is very important to go there to choose your mattress. You won’t have any unpleasant surprises when you will buy it.

2) Try the Mattress Yourself:
Once you’re in the store, what could be easier than testing the mattress you like? It’s really necessary to lie on it to realize how comfortable it is for you.

3) Look at the Mattress Reviews:
Sometimes it may be more convenient to buy your mattress online, and in this case it is strongly advised to look at the reviews on the internet.

Before you go into the store, feel free to look at the best mattress reviews. Of course, it’s great to test the mattress yourself, but knowing which one are the highest rated mattresses by reading reviews and testimonials is even better!

4) Dare what’s New:
Even if it can be an additional cost, do not hesitate to buy a mattress with accessories(sets of bed sheets, mattress covers, heating sheets). All this may seem like a gadget, but it’s far from it, and with it you’ll sleep like a child.  Adjustable beds and memory foam mattresses are also inventions worth trying.

5) Imitate the Swedes for a Double Bed:
In Scandinavian countries and also in Germany, double mattresses are rarely used. They prefer to use two single beds glued together and covered with a mattress to make each mattress suitable for each person. For example, if Monsieur is strong enough and Madame is slim, he will prefer a hard mattress and she will prefer a soft mattress. And so, everyone can sleep peacefully and comfortably.

6) Maintain the Mattress ( after purchasing your mattress )
If you want to enjoy its comfort for many years, the mattress needs to be maintained and this is essential to ensure a good night’s sleep and avoid allergies. So remember to regularly vacuum the mattress (to vacuum the dust mites), air it about once a week. It is also advisable to place a under sheet on your mattress to protect it from perspiration.

If you have a foam mattress, it requires almost no maintenance. On the other hand for a spring mattress, it is good to turn it from time to time to equal the wear, about every three months and also avoid bending it because it will wear much faster.

Now that you have all the tips to find your ideal mattress, you no longer have excuses for your bad mood or your insomnia!


Tuesday 1 May 2018

Top Three Memory Foam Mattress Technologies Compared?

The memory foam mattress is very popular in the market. This mattress is known for its ability to reduce pressure points that deliver a high customer satisfaction rate. There are three major subcategories of memory foam mattress i.e. traditional, plant-based and gel based. The best way to choose is to make a comparison between the three and then make the final decision.

The memory foam mattress is a better alternative than the inspiring mattress. They are expensive but defiantly worth a try.

Types of Memory Foam Mattresses

The Memory Foam Mattresses can be subdivided into three major categories:

Traditional Memory Foam:
 The traditional memory foam mattress has been around for a really long time. These mattresses are made from petroleum-based products and follow a production process that is highly identical to how they were first made.

Gel-infused Memory Foam:
 The gel-infused mattress is relatively new and has a combination of gel and traditional memory foam. The gel can be infused throughout the mattress or may be within a particular layer.

Plant-based Memory Foam:
 The plant-based memory foam was developed to address the issues associated with the use of memory foam mattress. These concerns include the release of VOC’s, heat and the response rate of traditional memory foam. These mattresses feature a large cell structure that addresses the issues and allows better breath ability.

Major Issue Compared

Heat retention: Excessive heat is a major issue for some memory foam mattress No one likes to feel warm when they are trying to sleep. The manufacturers always try to reduce heat retention in the mattress. Here are the details:

1. Traditional memory foam mattresses receive the highest number of complaints. Yet it is produced in the same manner as it was first developed. Only a few manufacturers have tried to reduce the impact by cutting holes in the foam and using convoluted layers but this seems to have a minimal effect.

2. The Gel-infused memory foam manufacturers have reported that their mattresses produce less heat than the traditional memory foam mattress.The gel technology allows the heat to be passed through the gel that leads to a heat-free experience.

3. Plant-based memory foam mattress owners have effectively addressed the issue by creating a 10X increase in breath ability over the traditional foam. This is due to the open cell structure and neutral temperature properties of this type of foam.


The price and value of the mattress should also be compared when it comes to purchasing the right mattress. The Tempurpedic and Serta price their beds at a higher range that starts at $1500 and $1150 for a queen size bed. However, at Amerisleep the entry-level cost is $ 849.

Your personal taste and preference will always be the deciding factors but it is also important to consider the above-mentioned factors to make the final choice.
