Monday 31 July 2017

The relationship between disturbed sleep and a person's emotional well being is an intricate one

For many of us sleep is something that soothes and restores us after a long, hectic day. But for those who find sleep elusive, the issue is far more fraught with strain. The importance of sleep is reiterated time and again from several quarters.

But people do not make those six to eight hours a priority and have perhaps even forgotten what it is to be truly rested and refreshed. And to further complicate things, caffeine (in coffee), stimulants used in energy drinks, job conditions, decibel levels in an environment etc interferes with the sleep cycle. There is a famous quote by Jules Verne, "Though sleep is called our best friend, it is a friend who often keeps us waiting". People who have no troubles or fears and can sleep without difficulty at night are truly blessed. But today these kind of people are steadily dwindling and soon sleep clinics would probably be seen on every road in our cities.

Lack of sleep may be due to several reasons - not having a comfortable mattress, room temperature (room being excessively hot or cold), noise pollution in the surrounding environment etc. There are plenty of comfortable mattresses today, all claiming to be the best. And Memory Foam Mattresses are among the best Mattresses available.It is our job to sift through all the Memory Foam Reviews and ratings and find the best Memory Foam Mattress.

The relationship between disturbed sleep and a person's emotional well being is an intricate one. Research in the field of Sleep Science indicates that people suffering from insomnia, or sleep apnea or other sleep disorders are at a high risk from the development of depression and other psychiatric disorders. Such sleep disorders also affect the brain's ability to deal with negative emotions and this impairment leads to anger and grief which are again causes of depression and this over time becomes a vicious cycle.

Luckily, treatment for such disorders is progressing, with new advances appearing every day.

Sleep Deprivation limits what you call "improved thinking" in students. Sleep is vital for the cognitive performance in students today. But it is indeed a sad state of affairs that the youth of today do not realise the importance of sleep.

Researchers in the United Kingdom found that sleep deprivation heightens impulsivity to negative stimuli showing more disturbances in the limbic parts of the brain which processes and regulates emotions. In short, when we are tired from lack of sleep, we tend to become impatient, short tempered and depressed.

Friday 28 July 2017

Mattresses and Pillows stuffed with feathers were considered a luxury in those days.

A good night's sleep is essential for all human beings. A body just cannot function without enough sleep. It is common knowledge that an average person requires around 6 - 8 hours of sleep a day. The quantity of sleep needed differs from person to person. Older people and children, for example, need more sleep than others. And when we think of sleep, the first thing that comes to our mind is a comfortable bed.

In the ancient times, beds comprised of merely piles of straw or heather or other natural material like dried bracken, animal skins etc. And then later on bedding consisted of raised boxes made of stone. But again, due to the discomfort suffered by using a bed with an extremely hard surface, bedding using wood was discovered. And such cots were decorated with ivory, pearls and precious metals. Some also had elaborate carvings and headrests. The Castles in England and Scotland for instance, have such quaint cots. Museums in England and Scotland showcase the types of bedding used by Kings and Queens. Some bedsteads had elaborate draping around them, some were high and had to be reached with the help of steps or a ladder.

Mattresses and Pillows stuffed with feathers were considered a luxury in those days. The 14th Century was the time where the possession of a feather bed was considered a symbol of pride and luxury. Ordinary people used palettes on the floor usually made of dried bales of hay or leaves. Later on, cotton beds came into existence. And now, Mattresses contain materials such as latex, visco elastic polyurethane, foams etc. It was also during the 14th Century the importance of carvings on bedsteads lessened and the draperies and other accessories that go with a bed gained more importance.

Silk and velvet were two of the most used fabric which were woven to make draperies. Also, people began to realise the importance of sleeping above the ground, away from insects and cold droughts. Thus, from piles of hay to memory foam mattresses, beds have come a long way through the millennium. There are several Memory Foam Mattresses available today and we can go through the Memory Foam Mattress Ratings and Reviews available online to narrow down to the  best Memory Foam Mattress.


Thursday 13 July 2017

Best Memory Foam Solutions - Why Memory Foam ?

There are various types of Mattresses and a few of them are explained below
Memory Foam Mattresses :
Memory Foam Mattresses are something people are more partial to as they have been proven to be more comfortable and long lasting. The Mattress has a top layer of visco elastic material (Memory Foam) and it changes to fit the shape of your body and it also tends to make the mattress feel warmer. Good quality Memory Foam Mattresses distribute your body weight evenly, and is as if a billion springs support you. Pressure points are also reduced to a tremendous 75 - 80%. These Mattresses can be firm to supple and gives you the firmness you require without compromising on the pressure points. Also, there is no maintenance for a Memory Foam Mattress. They need not be turned over or rotated at regular intervals.
Pocket Sprung Mattresses :
In Pocket Sprung Mattresses, springs are tacked into individual fabric pockets. Pocket Sprung Mattresses are quite popular and it does not mould itself to your shape like the Memory Foam Mattresses but that does not mean it is anything lesser than the Memory Foam Mattresses.
Continuous and Open Coil Mattresses :
Continuous Coil Mattresses are made from a single twisted wire whereas Open Coil Mattresses are made of single springs joined together by a single wire. The Coils in this Mattress wear out sooner than Pocket Springs.
Latex Mattress :
These are the most commonly used Mattresses and consist of layers of springy Latex. They are expensive but more resilient and durable.
Spring Mattresses :
Spring Mattresses may provide the illusion of comfort in the initial stages, but later on fail to provide the necessary pressure point relief. Good Spring Mattresses do not cost much and have good durability. But they begin to sag after a year or two and are not hypo allergenic. Also, they do not distribute your body weight evenly and so pressure points occur.
On detailed research and after having a clear picture of the types of mattresses available, and on choosing the Memory Foam Mattress, the next question would be what kind of Memory FoamMattress to purchase. There are different types of Memory Foam Mattresses accessible in the market today and before selecting one, look into the quality of materials used in the making of the Mattress, the Foam Density, Experience and Reputation of the those dealing in these Mattresses, Warranties and Money back Guarantees, if any, Testimonials from those who have purchased the Mattress (these are generally provided online), Durability (the number of years the brand you have decided to purchase has survived in the market) etc.

There are various types of Mattresses reviews to know more visit @

Saturday 8 July 2017

One result from these experiments is the discovery of #MemoryFoamMattresses

There are few things as important as a good night's sleep. Getting a good night's sleep is the key to giving your best during the day.  An insomniac would better appreciate the truth behind this statement. Everyday several experiments are being done to figure out ways to achieve undisturbed sleep. One result from these experiments is the discovery of Memory Foam Mattresses.

But not many people are aware of exactly what 'Memory Foam' means. Memory Foam is made from a substance called visco elastic polyurethane foam or low resilience poly urethane foam. It is believed that Memory Foam of a higher density softens when in contact with body heat and it moulds to a warm body in minutes while evenly distributing body weight and once the pressure is removed, it returns to its original shape. Memory Foam was first discovered in 1966 by NASA'S Research Center to be used in Aircrafts to cushion against impact.

 Memory Foam made its debut in public domain in the 1980s and was soon a hit in many other applications too. Since then, Memory Foam Mattresses have developed, from being an exclusive novelty, to an affordable alternative to spring mattresses. In the Medical field, for example, it was used to decrease pressure related sores in critically paralysed patients who have to lie immobile on mattresses for a long time.

These Mattresses were initially quite expensive as they are heavier and more supportive than other foam mattresses but later on became cheaper. Foam Density is generally used to judge the quality of a Mattress and those Mattresses with higher density will have a longer life than those with a lower density. Another great advantage of Memory Foam Mattresses is that they are Hypo allergenic, that is they are relatively unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. Also, solid blocks of Foam do not allow dust mites to enter them and if they do exist, they can do so only on top of the Mattress and not inside.

But there are certain disadvantages to Memory Foam mattresses too. Memory foam is highly combustible and it creates distress to those with respiratory problems. Today, there are separate clinics and Research centers dedicated to sleep disorders and many of the Clinical directors and research specialists are of the opinion that preferences of sleep surfaces are unique to a person and may vary from person to person. And also, many people are of the opinion that a firm mattress is the solution to all kinds of back pain or joint pain. But this does not hold true as evidenced by these Memory Foam Mattresses.

Memory Foam Manufacturers keep reiterating the fact that use of these Mattresses relieves Pressure related pain thereby allowing restful sleep. These are the pros and cons of Memory Foam Mattresses but adequate Research has to be done before taking a decision as to the purchase of one.