Friday 28 July 2017

Mattresses and Pillows stuffed with feathers were considered a luxury in those days.

A good night's sleep is essential for all human beings. A body just cannot function without enough sleep. It is common knowledge that an average person requires around 6 - 8 hours of sleep a day. The quantity of sleep needed differs from person to person. Older people and children, for example, need more sleep than others. And when we think of sleep, the first thing that comes to our mind is a comfortable bed.

In the ancient times, beds comprised of merely piles of straw or heather or other natural material like dried bracken, animal skins etc. And then later on bedding consisted of raised boxes made of stone. But again, due to the discomfort suffered by using a bed with an extremely hard surface, bedding using wood was discovered. And such cots were decorated with ivory, pearls and precious metals. Some also had elaborate carvings and headrests. The Castles in England and Scotland for instance, have such quaint cots. Museums in England and Scotland showcase the types of bedding used by Kings and Queens. Some bedsteads had elaborate draping around them, some were high and had to be reached with the help of steps or a ladder.

Mattresses and Pillows stuffed with feathers were considered a luxury in those days. The 14th Century was the time where the possession of a feather bed was considered a symbol of pride and luxury. Ordinary people used palettes on the floor usually made of dried bales of hay or leaves. Later on, cotton beds came into existence. And now, Mattresses contain materials such as latex, visco elastic polyurethane, foams etc. It was also during the 14th Century the importance of carvings on bedsteads lessened and the draperies and other accessories that go with a bed gained more importance.

Silk and velvet were two of the most used fabric which were woven to make draperies. Also, people began to realise the importance of sleeping above the ground, away from insects and cold droughts. Thus, from piles of hay to memory foam mattresses, beds have come a long way through the millennium. There are several Memory Foam Mattresses available today and we can go through the Memory Foam Mattress Ratings and Reviews available online to narrow down to the  best Memory Foam Mattress.


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