Saturday 8 July 2017

One result from these experiments is the discovery of #MemoryFoamMattresses

There are few things as important as a good night's sleep. Getting a good night's sleep is the key to giving your best during the day.  An insomniac would better appreciate the truth behind this statement. Everyday several experiments are being done to figure out ways to achieve undisturbed sleep. One result from these experiments is the discovery of Memory Foam Mattresses.

But not many people are aware of exactly what 'Memory Foam' means. Memory Foam is made from a substance called visco elastic polyurethane foam or low resilience poly urethane foam. It is believed that Memory Foam of a higher density softens when in contact with body heat and it moulds to a warm body in minutes while evenly distributing body weight and once the pressure is removed, it returns to its original shape. Memory Foam was first discovered in 1966 by NASA'S Research Center to be used in Aircrafts to cushion against impact.

 Memory Foam made its debut in public domain in the 1980s and was soon a hit in many other applications too. Since then, Memory Foam Mattresses have developed, from being an exclusive novelty, to an affordable alternative to spring mattresses. In the Medical field, for example, it was used to decrease pressure related sores in critically paralysed patients who have to lie immobile on mattresses for a long time.

These Mattresses were initially quite expensive as they are heavier and more supportive than other foam mattresses but later on became cheaper. Foam Density is generally used to judge the quality of a Mattress and those Mattresses with higher density will have a longer life than those with a lower density. Another great advantage of Memory Foam Mattresses is that they are Hypo allergenic, that is they are relatively unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. Also, solid blocks of Foam do not allow dust mites to enter them and if they do exist, they can do so only on top of the Mattress and not inside.

But there are certain disadvantages to Memory Foam mattresses too. Memory foam is highly combustible and it creates distress to those with respiratory problems. Today, there are separate clinics and Research centers dedicated to sleep disorders and many of the Clinical directors and research specialists are of the opinion that preferences of sleep surfaces are unique to a person and may vary from person to person. And also, many people are of the opinion that a firm mattress is the solution to all kinds of back pain or joint pain. But this does not hold true as evidenced by these Memory Foam Mattresses.

Memory Foam Manufacturers keep reiterating the fact that use of these Mattresses relieves Pressure related pain thereby allowing restful sleep. These are the pros and cons of Memory Foam Mattresses but adequate Research has to be done before taking a decision as to the purchase of one.

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